By using medical diode laser equipments, you can perform various kinds of laser treatment for different kinds of aninmals from small to big ones, such as DOG, CAT, EQUINE, RABBIT, PIG and MORE Class IV Diode Lasers for use in VETERIBARY THERAPY, SURGERY AND DENTISTRY.
Our units are capable both of therapy and diode laser surgery only.
We recommend ClassIV Diode lasers 980nm wavelengths with outputs 15 watts power output as they will capably cover 99% of your general veterinary laser needs – therapeutic or surgical.
Laser therapy is the use of specific wavelengths of light to treat painful and debilitating conditions.
Light energy enters the damaged cells and stimulates inter-cellular activity.
This reduces pain in the area and speeds recovery of the damaged cells.
Once the cells recover, the healing process is complete.